Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A play date!

Yesterday afternoon cousin Andrew came over for a play date with Aunty Nat and cousin Gabe. I had so much fun spending the afternoon running around after these two little rugrats. We cooked dinner, vaccumed, folded and unfolded laundry, played the piano, and played with the toys.
When Brad got home from work, the four of us went for a trip to the mall. The boys were both so good and we had lots of fun. In the car ride home from the mall, Gabe was in a forward facing car seat and Andrew was in a rear facing car seat sitting next to each other and they were both taking turns laughing at each other. It was really funny to watch.
Andrew is Gabe's only cousin and my only Nephew so he is definately our favorite! I am so grateful that the boys are both so close in age and we live so close so that they can grow up together. The are already great friends and play so well together and they are so funny to watch.
After I fed Andrew his lunch, Gabe had fun pushing Andrew around the kitchen. Gabe thought he was so big and Andrew just kicked back and enjoyed the ride.

I think I've mentioned before how Gabe loves to fold laundry with me. It is so cute to watch him, he totally thinks he is helping me. He has watched me fold enough clothes to know that I usually shake them before I fold them, so when he picks up an article of clothing he shakes it first and then looks to me for approval. He loves to climb in and out of the basket too. Andrew didn't seem to mind helping with the laundry, although I think he just had fun showing off his steady standing skills to Aunty Nat. He loved it when I would cheer for him when he got to his feet.

Playing the piano

Playing with the toys
In this shot both of the boys were actually dancing to the music the little walker makes. It killed me how cute they both were!

Andrew loved sitting on the walker and Gabe loved pushing Andrew around on it. They make a good team.

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