Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat?

Happy Halloween everyone!
It is amazing to me how much fun I have had this year with Halloween. More specifically Gabe and Halloween. It is incredible how much more meaningful and fun EVERYTHING seems to be when you have a little one to enjoy it all with. Until this year I could honestly say that I HATED Halloween. But...not this year!

Every year the company that Brad works for invites children of the employees to come and trick or treat at the company offices the day before Halloween. The aim is to provide a safe place for the kids to trick or treat, so as to keep them off the streets and away from the crazies. Given that this was our first year with our own little trick or treater, we were really excited to take Gabe and show off his cute little costume. He wasn't too sure about the whole trick or treating thing but he had fun nonetheless. He walked around carrying his little bag and when someone would put something in it, he would just look at them like "Why did you do that?". It was however, so much fun to watch Gabe walk around holding Daddy's hand. Daddy was so proud of his little penguin. Oh o...gonna cry! Anyways I had accidently left my camera at work so we captured a few cute moments on Daddy's phone.
The CUTEST Penguin ever!

This was the container full of candy that Daddy had at his desk for the little trick or treaters. Gabe seemed quite fascinated by it. Suprisingly he didn't want any, but just kept trying to give it to us and would then say "Ta" (that's Aussie for thank you). He loved watching the other kids come by and take candy out of the bucket. He would just stare at them. "For you Daddy".


  1. OH. HE. IS. SO. CUTE. Darling penguin outfit. With kids you see everything through their eyes and it becomes new again. So fun. Happy Halloween to you and your dear little family.

  2. What a cute costume. He looks like he had a good time! Excited about the candy.
