Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My smart lil guy- I have to brag!

Yesterday I took Gabe to see Doctor Doug to have his 15 month check-up. Though Gabe is on the smaller end of the scale when it comes to weight, I was thrilled when Doctor Doug told me that Gabe was in the 81st percentile for height. Doctor Doug’s exact words were "He is a tall little guy". I was thrilled.

After a thorough physical examination, and an assurance that all looked great, Dr. Doug asked me how Gabe’s speech was progressing. He advised me that at his age Gabe should be able to say 3 words. I was dumbfounded. Three words you say? When I proceeded to rattle off a list of things Gabe could say Dr. Doug was blown away and said that Gabe was at least 6 months advanced in his speech. Again I was thrilled. This was a great visit!

Gabe is such a smart little guy and has been babbling ever since we brought him home. I can still remember when he was handed to me and I recall that he looked rather somber. After just a few minutes of me holding his hand and talking to him in the back of the car it was as though he came alive. He has been flourishing ever since. Currently he can say- Mum, Dad, Nana, Nat, Bridger, Shelbi and Blaine or Baine, pa pa (grandpa), tickle tickle, Jesus, this, that, up, down, eyes, nose, hi, kisses, close, bubba, shoot (that one is my fault…whoops!), no no no, uh oh, yes, hot, almost love you and I may be forgetting some. In recent weeks he has started saying two syllabal words and is even putting words together. Like “uh oh Daddy” or last night he said “love you Da Da”. He also knows some sign language (more, eat, please & finished), can snap his fingers, wave hello and goodbye, blow kisses, give real kisses, clap his hands, point out body parts (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair, tummy), make animal noises and all of that fun stuff.

When Doctor Doug left the room to get the mean shot lady I turned to Gabe and said "Gabe can you say doctor?" Much to my surprise he looked straight at me with a smile on his face and clearly said "doctor". In response to my shrills of delight and praise he just smiled back. Oh how I love that little angel!

While I was driving home, I couldn't help but reflect (yet again) on how lucky Brad and I are to have our little Gabe. He brings us so much joy. I am also SO thankful to Nana Sandy who looks after Gabe while we are at work. She has worked day in and day out with our little man talking, teaching and reading to him. Since Gabe spends so much time with Nana during the day Brad and I just can't claim all the credit for just how smart he is. Thanks Nana Sandy! We don't know what we would do without you!


  1. Yay Gabe!! We need to see you soon, and see how fast you are growing! I'm so glad he is such a good little talker for you! We both got lucky..I think it makes raising little toddlers so much easier when they can communicate well! We miss you guys.

  2. Gabe is so cute. I'm very happy he's my nephew. Its fun to brag, But that isn't the only reason. I'm thankful for how happy he has made you and Brad. Hopefully we'll get to see you guys next week. Pinch his cheek for me.

  3. He truly is a brilliant child. That Italian chicken looks delish. I love to use my crockpot. When Dave gets home I'll have to try it. Sue
