Saturday, September 26, 2009


A couple of months ago my in-laws took the family on a summer staycation. On the Friday they went to Raging Waters and then on Saturday we went to the Tree House Museum and IFLY in Ogden and then we had dinner together at Iggys. It was a fun day. I'll post pictures of the Tree House museum in another post as there are too many to post all at once.

The Tree House Museum in Ogden is in the same complex as a place called IFLY Utah. IFLY Utah is an indoor skydiving center. A good friend and old boss of mine works there as a flight instructor and I had always wanted to check it out. After we got done at the museum we headed over to IFLY to see if my pal Dusty was working. He was and though we hadn't planned on it a few of us ended up giving it a go. Dusty hooked us up with a sweet deal including a video of the whole thing and we all had a blast to say the least. Thanks Dusty and don't panic Mum- It was nothing like the real thing! No paralysis this time around.

The pictures aren't the greatest but you can get the general idea.

All suited up and ready to go...eeekkk!

Liz and I doing our goofy excited faces just before heading into the tunnel.

Brad went first and was a total natural- We were all impressed. The proper skydiving technique is actually allot harder than it looks.

Nat in the tunnel

Liz's Turn

Liz mid flip

Uncle Blake

Uncle Brian


  1. You're so brave, even if it wasn't dangerous. Looks kinda fun though. Miss you. Sue

  2. That looks so fun! Glad you guys had a good time.
