Saturday, August 28, 2010

Gabe's Tractor Party

This year we threw Gabe a little tractor themed birthday party for his little friends on the Saturday after his birthday. Gabe LOVES tractors! We had talked about this party for months and he was very excited. As the kids started to arrive Gabe seemed a little confused. He didn't quite seem to understand that all the fuss was especially for him. Despite the CARAZY wind...all the kids had a blast and it was so much fun to watch them enjoy themselves. They were all excited to play on Gabe's swing set and were quite impressed at my attempt to make a tractor cake. The highlight however, was the tractor rides we gave the kids up and down our street on a REAL tractor.

We love Uncle Pete and Gabe was thrilled when he arrived with his tractor!

Some of the kids playing on the swing set

Left to right- Gracie, Aunty Savannah and Emma

Food time! We had some of Gabe's favorites. Pigs in a blanket (made by Nana Sandy), rice krispie treats (also made by Sandy), watermelon, rasberries, strawberries, and grapes.


The cake. I wish I could have done something a little fancier or had it turn out a little bit better but I made this the morning of Gabe's party and didn't have as much time as I'd liked to work on it. The kids liked it though and Gabe thought it was awesome because it was pulling a tractor! Excuse the back of the tires which evidently missed out on being completely frosted. I am no cake fact I had to look up how to spell coniseur. By the time his next b'day comes around I hope to be able to learn how to use fondant to really make a cook cake!

Back view (so embarrased about missing the frosting on the tires!)

Mmmmm cake...they were loving it.


Joe Joe

Tractor Rides. The birthday boy went first. I couldn't get him to smile, he was being coy because all the kids were gathered around watching him...just like mum and dad our boy is NO show pony.

Addy... Gabe's little friend from nursery. We love Addy! She was soooo excited.

Emma- Gabe's little girlfriend from one house down.

The boys! Left to Right- Brad (super dad), Gabe (so over it, ready for nap II), Joe Joe (smiling big because I told him I'd give him his treat bag in a second), Big Mike and Uncle Pete.

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