Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas has come and gone

We are grateful it came and we are equally grateful it is over. This year we feel truly blessed for the things we were able to do this Christmas season to mark the true meaning of Christmas. After all it is not the worldly gifts we did or didn't receive which made this a special time of year for our little family. That being said, we thoroughly enjoyed watching Gabe understand and get excited for Santa and got huge kicks out of spoiling him...ROTTEN! He deserves it.

Gabe always baffles us with what he understands and how sweet his little spirit is. A couple of days before Christmas, Brad and I were doing what most parents do around Christmas. Gabe was being naughty and we were telling him that if he was naughty that Santa wouldn't bring him any presents. To which he replied "That's OK Mum I have lots of toys huh? Maybe Santa can give my presents to some other kids who don't have any toys. I have enough...huh Mum" Brad and I just looked at each other. What could we say? How many 3 year olds think of that all on their own? Our boy is truly a special little spirit. We are eternally grateful to have him in our lives.

Some pics from the big day.

He came! The one thing I will miss about not having our tree up is the smell, it was heavenly.

Opening Presents!

So a few weeks before Christmas we asked Gabe what he wanted. All he said was a drum. Brad and I looked at each other...a drum? Seemed random, so we blew it off. Christmas Eve we asked again (don't ask me why) and the same response "a drum". Shoot!...he really wanted a drum?! Santa had to hurry and make a pit stop at Toys R Us on Christmas Eve.

As you can was worth it!

Perhaps we have a drummer on our hands?

The aftermath

But wait...there's More. We waited until the end, blind folded Gabe and lead him into the other family room. Santa had left one more surprise in the laundry room. Now we just need it to warm up so we can really have some fun with this toy.

Of all his gifts he has had the most fun it seems with his little dinosaur that he takes everywhere, his play doh and accessories, doodling with his markers and glitter pens and he has spent hours and hours painting on his easel. I think we may have a little artist on our hands.

Even with all the madness of the holidays and having a sick little guy about the house I have still been cooking and baking up a storm. I am excited to share some of the recipes. Will do that tomorrow.

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