Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gabes adoption finalization, sealing and blessing

After what seemed like an eternity, Monday May 19th, 2008 finally came. The adoption was finalized in court and everything went smoothly. All that worrying for nothing! I'm such a worry wart though. It was fun to have Brads uncle Terry be our attorney as it made the whole experience feel alot more personal.

Once the adoption was finalized we could go to the temple and be sealed. We went to the temple the following Saturday on May 24th, 2008. What a day. No words can really describe it. Gabe looked like an angel all dressed in white and to be surrounded by so many special people who we love was a dream come true...again! After the sealing we went back to our house for a yummy dessert bar and enjoyed visiting with friends and family.

Then on June 1st Gabe was blessed in our home ward in Kaysville. Daddy did such a great job and it was a very special day. After church we all went back to our house and had tacos and sweet pork burritos. Yummy! Again it was so nice to be able to share the day with our friends and family.

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